Friday, August 21, 2015

Summer Camp

My kids LOVED Jewish Overnight Camp - CYJ.  As someone who never attended overnight camp, I could never visualize what happened at camp.

Until this year, when the camp released weekly videos.

This was from week one:


And here is the one from the last week:


Now I can see why both my kids love camp.  I can't wait for them to experience camp next summer, and for me to have a window of what they experience.

Thanks CYJ for a great summer!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Raising Funds for Hadassah

I will be participating in the Hadassah Walkathon on Sunday, September 20 around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, near BC.  This walk will benefit Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel.  Hadassah Hospital is a special place in Israel because it treats every patient, no matter what their religion, race or gender.  It is the only Level 1 Trauma center in the Jerusalem area.  Following the Boston Marathon bombing, surgeons used triage procedures developed by the Hadassah Hospital doctors.  It is truly a unique place in Israel.  When I was in Israel (years ago), it was one of the highlights of my visit.

I am a third generation Hadassah life member and Naomi is a fourth generation Hadassah life member.

Please give through this website (you will notice people giving in increments of 18, as 18 is a special number in Hebrew):


And if you are available on September 20, I would love it if you could walk with me and my family!  Please join my team to support this amazing organization!

It is a fun walk and easy - flat surface around the pond.