After having the kids at camp for seven weeks, they are home.
I have to say we did a lot over the summer. Many people travel. This is what we did:
1. Research and test drive lots of cars for my next car. The mini van is slowly dying, and we need to replace it by Thanksgiving.
2. Buy a new sofa - our old one is 19 years old, and it had lived its useful life.
3. Buy a new kitchen table and chairs - our Ikea set gave out. We lost two chairs due to breakage. So when we purchased the new sofa, we purchased a new kitchen set.
4. Ate at lots of places that didn't serve chicken nuggets.
5. Saw lots of our friends and had double dates that did NOT involve the kids.
6. Attended a rocking party that included a game of Cards Against Humanity
7. Attended Out of the Box and saw Aubrey Logan perform LIVE.
8. Slept late on weekends
9. Ate lots of mushrooms, since the kids don't like mushrooms.