Thursday, May 29, 2014

Today is the day . . . . will I or won't I?

So, today is my scheduled annual eye exam.  Today is the day I wonder. . . . is this the year that I need glasses????  Is this the year???  For the past few years, the doctor tells me I am fine this year, but not to be surprised that I will need glasses next year. . . . . .

Let me back up. . . . back in third grade I flunked the eye exam at school.  Yup, FLUNKED it.  Turns out that I had a lazy eye, which meant one eye was FINE and the other eye was not working at all.  Not only did I need glasses, but I had to patch during the day for 30 minutes.  How I hated that patch.  I still have nightmares about the patch.

I needed glasses throughout college, more so for reading and concentrating, and then one day I didn't need glasses - at all!!!  The eye doctor at the time told me that I would need them again at some point, but to enjoy myself!  So I did!  I have been glasses free since grad school!!!!!

I have noticed that my very clear ability to see exit signs FAR away has decreased.  I did mention that to the doctor last year, who said that it was normal, and my eyes were 20-20 for distance.  Just to get used to the fact that very far away signs would not be what they once were. . . . .

I have noticed that when I read for a long time (at night) I should make the Kindle font larger and I have purchased the CVS reading glasses.

And now I wait to find out if this is the year.

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