Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cookbooks and Parties

This post is really two posts in one.

I have been to my fair share of Hanukah parties.  Last night I attended the BEST one, that I have ever been to, thanks to TEMPLE EMANUEL in Newton, MA.  The latkes were good (my kids even agreed) and plentiful (in years past, not so plentiful).  The set up was roomy for 700+ people.  Then, we got down to the ruach.  The kids choir and the adults choir, and then THE FOUNTAINHEADS all the way from the land of MILK AND HONEY - ISRAEL!

The children, 100+, were dancing.  There was RUACH.  There was lots of RUACH.  We were celebrating being Jewish, and the kids were singing and dancing, and whooping it up.  It was wonderful.  So glad that I was there to witness my kids, and other kids, dancing like they were dancing to THE BEATLES!  It was wonderful.  The FOUNTAINHEADS really enjoyed themselves too!

I have recently added to my collection:



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