Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stupid people

Luckily I had enough warning that 128 in Waltham last night was a parking lot. . . . so I went through the center of Waltham, to pick up a child . . . .

I thought I had made it. I got to daycare before closing, and was looking forward to going home and cooking a quick dinner, before Mark's swim lesson.


The daycare parking lot is NOT huge, although in 8 years, I have always either been able to get a space in the lot or on the street. Last night, I pulled into a spot, and picked up The Girl. I walked back to the car, and noticed, a white new Subura Forester, had blocked me and a few other cars. I buckled the girl, and I waited. And I waited. Then I called the daycare office. . . . to hurry the owner up. No answer.

I waited.

And FINALLY, a woman appears with an infant, and another child. I turn and ask if she is leaving, and she casually says yes. Of course, she has to buckle in her child (turns out there are two, an infant and a three year old).

Traffic was bad on the local roads, so, my kids had sandwiches for dinner. . . to get Mark to swim on time.

Turns out the mom who blocked me in is new to daycare and has a language barrier. Well, I know of NO language barrier that prevents people from being nice. She was thinking about herself as she blocked me and two other cars in. Again, there was plenty of street parking, and I hope daycare can communicate that if there are NO spots in the lot, there is plenty of street parking.

And I hope Wednesday is better (traffic wise).

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