Friday, March 26, 2010


So, I was supposed to host Seder #2 this year. I had invited my parents, and some friends.

And then the flood happened. My entire basement was brought upstairs and placed into my dining room. It is still there.

I called my mom . . . . "I can't host seder. Can we come to your house?"

She of course, said yes.

I then asked "Can I invite our friends that I had invited to our house?"

She said "Yes."


On top of that, my mom won a raffle prize: free seder for 10! Kosher for Passover. What luck!

BUT, Passover still requires alot of preparing. This weekend I am making the following Passover foods:

Potato Latkes (to freeze for later in the week when I am rushed)
Granola (double batch - Mrs. Sachar's recipe)
Chocolate Chip Cookies (A Martha recipe)
Charoset with dates, raisins and nuts (a double recipe of course)
Flourless Chocolate Torte from the Cake Bible
Cranberry Orange Sorbet

This will be done Sunday, since Passover begins Monday evening.


Maria said...

Your mom winning that seder is great news :) If you make extra Latkes and need to send me some, I wont be hurt!

Cheryl Pollock Stober said...

You are so incredibly organized! I'm sure you'll have wonderful Seders, no matter the location. Chag sameach!