Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Too Good to be True

So, last month, my mom won a raffle prize. A Kosher for Passover Seder for 10, from a local butcher on the north shore. My mom was thrilled. No need to cook! She called the butcher, and they decided on a menu (more sides, especially vegetarian sides, and no desserts). She picked up the meal on Sunday. In fact it was so nicely organized in her fridge, she took a photo! In years past, we had to play, try to fit all the Kosher for Passover food in the fridge. Instead of spending days cooking, she was free to do whatever!

Last night was the big meal!

First course - gefilte fish. Mark and I thought it was good. Mom and Dad did not share our love for it.

Second course - chicken soup with matzah balls. It was okay. It was a broth with NOTHING in it. No carrots, no parsnips, no chicken bits. My mom quickly cut and added some carrots. But still the flavor was okay and I missed my bits.

Main Course - chicken, meat tzimmes, potato kugel and brocoli kugel. The chicken was good. The meat tzimmes was disgusting. Tasted like NOTHING. So disappointing. I had never met a tzimmes I did not like! The potato kugel was bland, tasteless and not great. Adam said that the brocoli kugel was the same. Actually it looked like the same kugel, except dyed green.

Desserts - Mom provided a chocolate sponge cake and mandelbrot (yum), I provided a honey cake (YUM-O). My inlaws provided a lovely fruit platter.


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