Thursday, March 5, 2015

Done With Winter

Winter - it is time for you to say good bye to us.  Winter wasn't bad in December and early January, and then the snow started in late January, and it kept falling weekly in batches of one to two feet.  And then the cold set in.  Boston spent 40+ days in a row, under 40 degrees.  Our snow piles grew, and our streets grew narrower.  Our snow piles turned into frozen piles of ice-snow.  Our roofs had ice dams with long pointy icicles hanging.  Our area looks like a scene from Frozen, and Elsa should be living with us.

Our streets are so narrow, that when we back out of our driveway, we hit the snowbank.  All of our bumpers have dents and bumps.  We are forced to drive into snowbanks so that oncoming traffic can pass us.

And then on the first day above 32 degrees, many people started having leaks in the house - on ceilings and walls and windows. 

This is after spending hours shoveling and dollars spent on plowing.  And then money spent on raking the roof and removing ice dams.

Now many of us are trying to find reputable contractors to fix the leaks and the damage.

Many of us are concerned about the snow.  When it melts.  Where will it go?  How much can the ground absorb?  How much will run into the storm drains?  How much will run into my basement?

We have had enough snow. 

We have had enough NO SCHOOL - SNOW DAYS.

We have had enough ice dams.

We have had enough leaks.

We have had enough bumps on our cars.

Our backs hurt and our shoulders hurt.  Our wallets are slimmer.  Enough is enough and I am done with winter.

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