Friday, July 1, 2022

The Weitzman Clan Composts

 I have always been nervous about having a compost pile in the backyard. We already have enough critters, and I didn't want to attract any more. But composting is better than throwing the food waste into the trash.

When you separate the food waste, it breaks down faster.

We have been composting using Black Earth Compost for years. It is really easy. I have a countertop bin near the sink, that is lined. It is really easy to put egg shells, potato skins, coffee grounds, etc into the bin. When the bag is full, I bring it to my lined plastic collection bin, and once a week, I bring the "large" bin (13 gallons) to the curb. And Black Earth comes and collects it like clockwork. I also order the liners for the countertop bin and the large bin through Black Earth, and it is delivered when the bin is emptied! Magic.

We started composting BEFORE the City of Newton started partnering with Black Earth. The more customers Newton has the less expensive the service is. If you haven't started, sign up now.

You can also get the finished product for your own garden.

What do I compost? chicken bones, fish, skins and pits of fruits and veggies, old pasta, green cheese, egg cartons, paper towel tubes, and a whole bunch more.

Be a good earthling and compost. If you work in an office, have your office start composting!

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