Saturday, March 31, 2012


Mark is my careful kid.  My kid who looks before trying anything dangerous.  Knowing him now, and looking back on his toddler years. . . . he didn't fall that much.  He walked late, but once he started, he was slow and steady.  Again, he didn't fall that much . . .but when he did. . . . he did it really well.  Right before he turned two, he was running outside, and fell on the pavement and scraped up his chin. . . . . right before my in laws were coming from Chicago.  I was hoping that the visit went well.  Because boy, did Mark's bruise look awful.

There was the time that he fell at camp, and chipped a tooth. . . .

And then there was the time that he ran into a light pole in front of my husband and my father in law, while flying a kite.  That injury was awful.  Blood was everywhere.  And my husband and father in law had no kleenex.  Just a cell phone.  So they called me.

This latest injury happened on Thursday . . . . I was in the infamous blue zone waiting for the kids to get out of Religious School.  Waiting.  Waiting.  And then Mark's teacher appeared.  Could I drive around, and come into the office.  Mark fell (five minutes ago) and needed some ice.  He fell on his face.  Face????  Mark??????  I was surprised.  Naomi is forever showing me little scrapes and crying for band aids and boo boo ice.  Mark isn't the kind of kid that needs ice. 

I drove out of the blue zone, while the teacher gathered up the carpool kids and met me in the office.  I got to the office, and there was Mark . . . red eyed from crying, holding an ice pack on his lips.  He said that his jaw hurt (both sides), both ears hurt and both cheeks.  And he his lip was rather large. . . . The administrative person gave Mark another ice pack and off we went to the car.  The poor kid was trying to hold it together, since his classmate was in the car.  This ride lasted FOREVER.  He was complaining about his jaws, and cheeks.  It couldn't be broken . . . . right?????

Once home, he calmed down and had some dinner.  On Friday morning there was a slight mark on his chin.  By Friday evening he had a full fledged bruise, and it was UGLY!  Another friend asked him if that had happened when he fell (a witness to Mark's graceful trip including the ungraceful landing on his face).  I took a photo this morning, because he could not really see his chin in the mirror. 

Mark flinched when he saw the photo. 

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