Monday, November 10, 2014

Mini Camp Reunion

As many Jewish parents know, at about age 12/13, the kids start the "Bar Mitzvah Circuit."  This is when the kids have a more active social life than the parent, and the parent starts driving his/her child and others to the many services and parties.  As a Jewish parent, you expect that this will be a busy year, since there are family friends, school friends and synagogue friends.  If your child attends Jewish overnight camp, then there are the camp Bar Mitzvahs. 

Last year, Mark was invited to a camp friend's Bar Mitzvah in Andover, MA which wasn't a big deal for us. 

This past weekend, Mark was invited to a camp friend's Bar Mitzvah in Newton, MA - right down the street from us!  It was going to be easy!  And then E's mom (from CT) emailed me. . . . could E spend some time at our house, between the ceremony and the party?  Of course!  And then B's mom (from NY) emailed me. . . . could B spend some time at our house, between the ceremony and the party?  Of course! 

My husband drops off Mark to the Bar Mitzvah, and I am running around town doing errands (grocery shopping, library with my daughter) and then I get a phone call from B's dad.  It turns out there is one additional boy that also needs a place to stay between the ceremony and the party . . . . can we help.  Of course!

And then I think - what do I do with four 12 year old boys for five hours?  What do I do with four boys in SUITS??????  Turns out, these boys just wanted to hang in our family room and be together.  It was a wonderful five hours.  It was great to see them talk and play and hang!  It was my pleasure to have them at our house, and I would do this again!

It was great to have a glimpse of what my son is like with his overnight camp friends.  I can see that the four of them are peers and friends.  It was a wonderful experience that I would do again.  (Actually I emailed the parents to let them know that I am a willing host for the next one.)

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