Monday, November 17, 2014

Power to the People!

After a day that started with no power and no shower for six hours, I ended the day on a really high note.  It was the monthly meeting for my Women's Networking Group.  At our last session we discussed what tricks we each use to save time at home:

1.  Having kids pick clothes out the night before;
2.  Setting the breakfast table the night before;
3.  Meal planning by the week.

This time we were going to discuss change, but we landed up not only talking about change, but the desire to tweak.  Things are going well, but yet, if we tweak the schedule here and adjust there, would the outcome be better?  We also discussed how our spouses are more willing to take on family tasks.  One woman shared how she hated flu shot season.  Her kids schools do not give out flu shots.  On the day of the flu shot in years past, she drove the kids from the house, to the pediatrician (in another town) and then distributed her children to two different schools in two different towns, and she drove to work in another town, only to have to leave a few hours later, since it was now the end of the day.  This year she said to her spouse "It is flu shot day on X, and here is issue."  She shared that her husband (who works in Boston) offered to take the kids to the doctor, while she worked at home and then she met them at the pediatrician, and they divided up who would take the kids to school.  She said it was revolutionary.  All she had to do was present the issue and the solution was easy.

We discussed the "Default" parent article.  There was a lively discussion.

By the time 9:30 PM came, I was pumped up and already thinking ahead.  Thinking ahead of what issues my husband and I can solve together, and where I will be in ten years.  A scary thought is that in ten years, I will have kids that are in college and post college.  What do I do now, to plan for those ten years for myself.

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