Friday, November 7, 2014


I had today well planned for my work day.

It was until 6 AM, when my 8 year old daughter walked into my room, burst into tears, and told me that her head hurt and when I felt her forehead, she was burning up!  Her fever was 103!  Off to the pediatrician!  The other times she has spiked a fever that high it was strep.  The moment she saw the swab, she clamped down her jaw and refused to get the test.  No amount of pleading from me, the nurse or the NP helped.  Finally, we had to have one nurse hold her, while I held her feet and the NP got the swab. 

Five minutes of tears. . . . .

Five minutes of waiting. . . . .

POSITIVE!  Yup, my little one had strep.  Good thing we did the test.  She missed PJ day at school.  But she did get her favorite pink medicine.

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