Wednesday, March 18, 2020


As the world knows, The United States is at home, reducing the spread of the virus.  No play dates.  No social events.  No band.  No chorus.  No dance.  No school.  No office in Waltham.  No Synagogue.

Day 1:  Friday, March 13 - how appropriate.  Friday the 13th.  Day 1 went well.  Mark then sang at Shabbat Alive that was live streamed through the Temple Emanuel website.  It was so strange to be in a sanctuary that holds 750 people and be the only people there.

Day 2:  Saturday, March 14 - Mark went to work.  He saw other humans.  Naomi made pie for Pi Day.

Day 3:  Sunday, March 15 - Beware the Ides of March

Day 4:  Monday, March 16 - Monitor arrived from work.  Adam is set up in our dining room and I have the back corner of the living room.  We each have a monitor so we are no longer hunching over our laptops.  Mark, a huge sports fan, is flipping through the channels and finds a marble racing contest

Day 5:  Tuesday, March 17 - Mark didn’t like me adding structure to his day so he walked to BC and back again.

The only time Naomi needs to walk behind me while working is when I am on a zoom video call.

In 2015 after the sixth snow day in three weeks I thought I was going to lose my mind.  I take it back. 

We create more compost when eating meals at home.  Four meals three times a day creates more compost and more dishes.

My kids give me no grief about taking a shower in the morning so no one smells all that badly!

Thankful that my company sent a monitor so I am not slumped over a laptop.

Thankful for amazing co-workers and management.

Thankful I don’t have to watch Disney all day or Thomas the Tank Engine.

Day 6:  Wednesday, March 18 - No need to wake up at 4:59 AM to drive Mark to early band.  No early band and his trombone is locked up in the high school.  Hopefully virus free.

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