Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So, Naomi has awesome curly red hair. Combing it is not the most fun, but she loves her red curly hair. Imagine my surprise last night while I was washing it the dirt, the woodchips and pebbles that fell out of her hair! I asked her about it and she said her friends put sand in her hair. On the playground, she did not mind it. However, once she was in the shower and saw the volumes of dirt that fell out of her hair, she was upset. She said that next time she will tell a teacher when someone puts dirt in her hair.

On a side note, at the same age, I used to get my hair painted yellow by classmates Harlan and Randy. They thought my blonde hair was not yellow enough.

Girls and their hair.


Cheryl Pollock Stober said...

I'm a bit of an obsessive-compulsive about brushing my hair, and it all dates back to seeing a shadow of my messy pigtails when on the playground as a kid. At least I can remember the cause for my addiction! Love Naomi's curls. :)

Anonymous said...

why do kids do stuff like that to other kids? My nephew likes to dump sand in my boys hair! Drives me crazy!
Naomi has great hair! I love it!!!