Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wild Mushroom Pizza

I love mushrooms, but my kids HATE them.  I knew that they would hate them.  When I found out I was pregnant with my oldest, the first few times I had mushrooms while pregnant, he returned them and made sure I knew he did NOT like them.  I stopped eating mushrooms until April 29.  Then I got to eat mushrooms again!  And then I got pregnant again, and once again, I ate a portabello mushroom grilled on the grill outside, and once again, the child inside of me returned them.  I stopped eating mushrooms until April 25, and then I could not wait to eat them again.

I tried to get the kids to eat mushrooms over the years, but each time they resist.  They do eat lots of other things, and I think it must be hard wired in each of their bodies.

So last night, I made an amazing wild mushroom pizza for the adults, and I made a plain old cheese pizza for the kids, which they LOVED.

Here is my pizza dough recipe.

To make the mushroom topping you need:

1 pound of mushrooms (shitake, portabello, etc), chopped
1 1/2 cup sherry
2 T butter
1 cup shredded cheese (I used mozzarella)

Put cold pizza stones in oven and heat to 400.

Chop the mushrooms and put them in a glass bowl, and pour the sherry on top of them.  Soak for 30 minutes.  Drain the mushrooms.

In a saute pan, heat the butter over medium heat, and then put in the mushrooms for 5 minutes.  Season with salt and pepper.

Once your rolled out pizza dough is on the pizza stone, top the pizza with the shredded cheese, and then add the mushrooms.

Put in the pizza stone in the oven (still at 400 degrees) for 25 minutes.  Take out, and slice and eat.